We are a young research group at RIKEN, the leading research institute in Japan. Officially called the Mathematical Quantum Information RIKEN Hakubi Research Team, the group is part of RIKEN’s rapidly growing Center for Quantum Computing. We enjoy the generous funding provided by the RIKEN Hakubi Fellowship.

Our group studies the mathematical underpinnings of quantum information theory, with a particular focus on the investigation of the mathematical structure of quantum resources — physical phenomena that underlie practical advantages of quantum technologies in areas such as communication and computation. We aim to develop technical frameworks that help address the fundamental questions of how to quantify, manipulate, and take advantage of physical resources in quantum information and communication tasks. Our approach is to establish a solid and rigorous mathematical foundation which can be directly used to study a variety of physical concepts and settings.

Some of our key research topics are:



Our offices are on the main campus of RIKEN in Wako, just outside of Tokyo. For access information, please consult the RIKEN website or check Google Maps.

The full address is as follows:

Room 623, RIKEN Main Research Building
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako
Saitama 351-0198
〒351-0198 埼玉県
理化学研究所 研究本館 623号室

Join us

Postdoctoral researchers

We do not currently have openings for postdocs.

There are several ways to join the group as a postdoctoral fellow through independent funding schemes.

Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in applying for any of the above.

Visiting PhD students

RIKEN is not a degree-granting institution and does not offer a Master’s or PhD programme. As such, we do not and will not have any openings for student positions.

There are, however, possibilities for various types of long-term visits for current PhD students.