1. Computable entanglement cost under positive partial transpose operations
    Ludovico Lami, Francesco Anna Mele, and Bartosz Regula
    Physical Review Letters 134, 090202 (2025)
    Presented at QIP 2025 and Beyond IID 2024arXivpdfjournal pdfcode

  2. Tight relations and equivalences between smooth relative entropies
    Bartosz Regula, Ludovico Lami, and Nilanjana Datta


  1. Distillable entanglement under dually non-entangling operations
    Ludovico Lami and Bartosz Regula
    Nature Communications 15, 10120 (2024)
    Presented at QIP 2024 and Beyond IID 2024arXivpdfjournal pdf

  2. Causal classification of spatiotemporal quantum correlations
    Minjeong Song, Varun Narasimhachar, Bartosz Regula, Thomas J. Elliott, and Mile Gu
    Physical Review Letters 133, 110202 (2024)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  3. Postselected communication over quantum channels
    Kaiyuan Ji, Bartosz Regula, and Mark M. Wilde
    International Journal of Quantum Information 22, 2440012 (2024)
    Presented at Beyond IID 2024arXivpdf

  4. Asymptotic quantification of entanglement with a single copy
    Ludovico Lami, Mario Berta, and Bartosz Regula
    Presented as a plenary talk at QIP 2025arXivpdf
  5. Postselected quantum hypothesis testing
    Bartosz Regula, Ludovico Lami, and Mark M. Wilde
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 70, 3453–3469 (2024)
    Presented at Beyond IID 2023arXivpdf

  6. Reversibility of quantum resources through probabilistic protocols
    Bartosz Regula and Ludovico Lami
    Nature Communications 15, 3096 (2024)
    Presented as an invited talk at AQIS 2024 and a contributed talk at QIP 2024arXivpdfjournal pdf

  7. No-go theorem for entanglement distillation using catalysis
    Ludovico Lami, Bartosz Regula, and Alexander Streltsov
    Physical Review A 109, L050401 (2024)
    Featured as a PRA Letter
    Presented at AQIS 2023
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  8. Virtual quantum resource distillation
    Xiao Yuan, Bartosz Regula, Ryuji Takagi, and Mile Gu
    Physical Review Letters 132, 050203 (2024)
    Presented as a long talk at AQIS 2023
    See also companion paper Phys. Rev. A 109, 022403 (2024)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  9. Virtual quantum resource distillation: General framework and applications
    Ryuji Takagi, Xiao Yuan, Bartosz Regula, and Mile Gu
    Physical Review A 109, 022403 (2024)
    Companion paper to Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 050203 (2024)arXivpdfjournal pdf


  1. The tangled state of quantum hypothesis testing
    Mario Berta, Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Gilad Gour, Ludovico Lami, Martin B. Plenio, Bartosz Regula, and Marco Tomamichel
    Nature Physics 20, 172–175 (2024)
    Invited comment articlejournal pdf

  2. On a gap in the proof of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma and its consequences for the reversibility of quantum resources
    Mario Berta, Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Gilad Gour, Ludovico Lami, Martin B. Plenio, Bartosz Regula, and Marco Tomamichel
    Quantum 7, 1103 (2023)
    Presented at QIP 2023arXivpdfvideo

  3. Upper Bounds on the Distillable Randomness of Bipartite Quantum States
    Ludovico Lami, Bartosz Regula, Xin Wang, and Mark M. Wilde
    2023 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 203-208 (2023)

  4. Overcoming entropic limitations on asymptotic state transformations through probabilistic protocols
    Bartosz Regula, Ludovico Lami, and Mark M. Wilde
    Physical Review A 107, 042401 (2023)
    Presented at Beyond IID 2022arXivpdfjournal pdf

  5. Computable lower bounds on the entanglement cost of quantum channels
    Ludovico Lami and Bartosz Regula
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56, 035302 (2023)
    Companion paper to Nat. Phys. 19, 184–189 (2023)arXivpdfjournal pdf

  6. No second law of entanglement manipulation after all
    Ludovico Lami and Bartosz Regula
    Nature Physics 19, 184–189 (2023)
    Presented as a plenary talk at QIP 2022 and an invited talk at TQC 2022arXivpdfjournal pdfcodevideo


  1. Functional analytic insights into irreversibility of quantum resources
    Bartosz Regula and Ludovico Lami

  2. Tight constraints on probabilistic convertibility of quantum states
    Bartosz Regula
    Quantum 6, 817 (2022)
    Technical companion paper to Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 110505 (2022)arXivpdfcode

  3. One-shot yield–cost relations in general quantum resource theories
    Ryuji Takagi, Bartosz Regula, and Mark M. Wilde
    PRX Quantum 3, 010348 (2022)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  4. Probabilistic transformations of quantum resources
    Bartosz Regula
    Physical Review Letters 128, 110505 (2022)
    Presented at QIP 2022
    See also companion paper Quantum 6, 817 (2022)
    arXivpdfjournal pdfcode


  1. Fisher information universally identifies quantum resources
    Kok Chuan Tan, Varun Narasimhachar, and Bartosz Regula
    Physical Review Letters 127, 200402 (2021)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  2. Operational applications of the diamond norm and related measures in quantifying the non-physicality of quantum maps
    Bartosz Regula, Ryuji Takagi, and Mile Gu
    Quantum 5, 522 (2021)
    arXivpdfjournal pdfcode

  3. One-shot manipulation of dynamical quantum resources
    Bartosz Regula* and Ryuji Takagi*
    Physical Review Letters 127, 060402 (2021)
    Presented at TQC 2021 and AQIS 2021arXivpdfjournal pdf

  4. Fundamental limitations on distillation of quantum channel resources
    Bartosz Regula and Ryuji Takagi
    Nature Communications 12, 4411 (2021)
    Presented at QIP 2021 and Beyond IID 2021arXivpdfjournal pdfcode

  5. Universal and operational benchmarking of quantum memories
    Xiao Yuan, Yunchao Liu, Qi Zhao, Bartosz Regula, Jayne Thompson, and Mile Gu
    npj Quantum Information 7, 108 (2021)
    Presented at QIP 2020arXivpdfjournal pdf

  6. Experimental progress on quantum coherence: detection, quantification, and manipulation
    Kang-Da Wu, Alexander Streltsov, Bartosz Regula, Guo-Yong Xiang, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
    Advanced Quantum Technologies 4, 2100040 (2021)

  7. Quantifying quantum speedups: improved classical simulation from tighter magic monotones
    James R. Seddon, Bartosz Regula, Hakop Pashayan, Yingkai Ouyang, Earl T. Campbell
    PRX Quantum 2, 010345 (2021)
    Presented at TQC 2020arXivpdfjournal pdfcodevideo

  8. Operational quantification of continuous-variable quantum resources
    Bartosz Regula, Ludovico Lami, Giovanni Ferrari, and Ryuji Takagi
    Physical Review Letters 126, 110403 (2021)
    Presented at Beyond IID 2020 and AQIS 2020
    See companion paper Phys. Rev. A 103, 032424 (2021)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  9. Framework for resource quantification in infinite-dimensional general probabilistic theories
    Ludovico Lami*, Bartosz Regula*, Ryuji Takagi, and Giovanni Ferrari
    Physical Review A 103, 032424 (2021)
    Technical companion paper to Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 110403 (2021)arXivpdfjournal pdf


  1. Benchmarking one-shot distillation in general quantum resource theories
    Bartosz Regula, Kaifeng Bu, Ryuji Takagi, and Zi-Wen Liu
    Physical Review A 101, 062315 (2020)
    Editors’ SuggestionarXivpdfjournal pdf

  2. Coherence manipulation with dephasing-covariant operations
    Bartosz Regula, Varun Narasimhachar, Francesco Buscemi, and Mile Gu
    Physical Review Research 2, 013109 (2020)
    Presented at AQIS 2019arXivpdfjournal pdf


  1. General resource theories in quantum mechanics and beyond: operational characterization via discrimination tasks
    Ryuji Takagi and Bartosz Regula
    Physical Review X 9, 031053 (2019)
    Presented at Beyond IID 2019arXivpdfjournal pdf

  2. One-shot entanglement distillation beyond local operations and classical communication
    Bartosz Regula, Kun Fang, Xin Wang, and Mile Gu
    New Journal of Physics 21, 103017 (2019)
    arXivpdfjournal pdfcode

  3. Generic bound coherence under strictly incoherent operations
    Ludovico Lami, Bartosz Regula, and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review Letters 122, 150402 (2019)
    arXivpdfjournal pdfcode

  4. Operational advantage of quantum resources in subchannel discrimination
    Ryuji Takagi, Bartosz Regula, Kaifeng Bu, Zi-Wen Liu, and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review Letters 122, 140402 (2019)
    Editors’ SuggestionarXivpdfjournal pdf


  1. Nonasymptotic assisted distillation of quantum coherence
    Bartosz Regula, Ludovico Lami, and Alexander Streltsov
    Physical Review A 98, 052329 (2018)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  2. Gaussian quantum resource theories
    Ludovico Lami, Bartosz Regula, Xin Wang, Rosanna Nichols, Andreas Winter, and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review A 98, 022335 (2018)
    Editors’ Suggestion
    Presented at Beyond IID 2018
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  3. Evaluating the robustness of k-coherence and k-entanglement
    Nathaniel Johnston, Chi-Kwong Li, Sarah Plosker, Yiu-Tung Poon, and Bartosz Regula
    Physical Review A 98, 022328 (2018)
    arXivpdfjournal pdfcode on GitHub

  4. Probabilistic distillation of quantum coherence
    Kun Fang, Xin Wang, Ludovico Lami, Bartosz Regula, and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review Letters 121, 070404 (2018)
    arXivpdfjournal pdfcode

  5. One-shot coherence distillation
    Bartosz Regula, Kun Fang, Xin Wang, and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review Letters 121, 010401 (2018)
    Presented at AQIS 2018arXivpdfjournal pdfcode

  6. Converting multilevel nonclassicality into genuine multipartite entanglement
    Bartosz Regula, Marco Piani, Marco Cianciaruso, Thomas R. Bromley, Alexander Streltsov, and Gerardo Adesso
    New Journal of Physics 20, 033012 (2018)
    Presented at AQIS 2017arXivpdfjournal pdf

  7. Accessible bounds for general quantum resources
    Thomas R. Bromley, Marco Cianciaruso, Sofoklis Vourekas, Bartosz Regula, and Gerardo Adesso
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 325303 (2018)


  1. Convex geometry of quantum resource quantification
    Bartosz Regula
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 045303 (2018)
    Best Paper Prize 2019
    Featured in Highlights of 2018
    Presented at AQIS 2017


  1. Geometric approach to entanglement quantification with polynomial measures
    Bartosz Regula and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review A 94, 022324 (2016)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  2. Strong monogamy inequalities for four qubits
    Bartosz Regula, Andreas Osterloh, and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review A 93, 052338 (2016)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

  3. Entanglement quantification made easy: Polynomial measures invariant under convex decomposition
    Bartosz Regula and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review Letters 116, 070504 (2016)
    Presented at AQIS 2016arXivpdfjournal pdf

  4. Generating entanglement between two-dimensional cavities in uniform acceleration
    Bartosz Regula, Antony R. Lee, Andrzej Dragan, and Ivette Fuentes
    Physical Review D 93, 025034 (2016)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf


  1. Strong monogamy conjecture for multiqubit entanglement: The four-qubit case
    Bartosz Regula, Sara Di Martino, Soojoon Lee, and Gerardo Adesso
    Physical Review Letters 113, 110501 (2014)
    arXivpdfjournal pdf

* denotes equal contributions