I lead the Mathematical Quantum Information research group at RIKEN's Center for Quantum Computing.
My interests lie in the mathematical characterisation of quantum resources, the convex optimisation problems involved in their quantification, and their applications in quantum information theory.
Tight relations and equivalences between smooth relative entropies
arXivpdf , Ludovico Lami, and Nilanjana Datta
I have been appointed as an Associate Editor of PRX Quantum.
Asymptotic quantification of entanglement with a single copy
Ludovico Lami, Mario Berta, and
I gave an invited plenary talk at AQIS 2024 in Sapporo, Japan.
Postselected quantum hypothesis testing
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 70, 3453–3469 (2024)
arXivpdf , Ludovico Lami, and Mark M. Wilde
Reversibility of quantum resources through probabilistic protocols
Nature Communications 15, 3096 (2024)
arXivpdfjournal pdf and Ludovico Lami
Virtual quantum resource distillation
Xiao Yuan,
Physical Review Letters 132, 050203 (2024)
arXivpdfjournal pdf , Ryuji Takagi, and Mile Gu